Ground Power Generator PDF

Ground Power Generator PDF

If you go into YouTube and you enter “earth battery”,
there are all kinds of videos on how to construct a contraption that will
actually pull energy out of the earth, converted to electricity, and power your
home. One guy, Robert Murray-Smith, has a YouTube channel devoted to that and
one of his videos has 292,000 views. Another term for earth battery is a ground
power generator. And if you search on that in YouTube, you see videos about a
book called Ground Power Generator. It tells you how to build your own earth
battery. If you’re looking for that PDF, you can click on the link below in the
description and the fellow that put this together will give you pictures,
drawings, video recordings, all the steps you need to build an earth battery or
ground power generator to tap energy for the earth and power your home. It’s
only $47 and you get the PDF with all the pictures, drawings, video recordings,
etc. You’ll see all kinds of reviews.

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